An installation with TYPO3 enables the rapid realisation of customisable websites for Welthungerhilfe's country offices. Further requirements: Shared content, specific connections to a project database and character sets for languages such as Amharic or Somali.
About this Customer
Since 1962, Deutsche Welthungerhilfe has carried out over 8,500 aid projects in 70 countries worldwide. Together with kultwerk, a multi-domain installation was developed for the websites of the country offices in Niger, Iraq, Afghanistan and the Horn of Africa.
Key Facts
- Development of a master page as template for all following country pages
- Multidomain installation for all pages with shared content
- Connection of the global Welthungerhilfe project database
- Optimisation of the frontend for various languages, character sets and reading directions
- Technical implementation based on TYPO3 and ongoing optimisation.
Country Offices worldwide implement the work of Welthungerhilfe in the regions concerned. To support their work, Welthungerhilfe implemented the Websites County Offices project with kultwerk.
In the first step, different implementation alternatives were evaluated, in particular the scenarios of centralised versus decentralised management of the websites. The advantages and disadvantages of hosting on a single server in Germany or on different "country" servers were weighed up in terms of SEO, performance, resource intensity and efficiency, among other things.
The decision was clear. A central approach, possibly using a content delivery network to optimise performance in the respective countries, offers advantages in all relevant areas. Thus, a basic installation with a set of predefined contents and a clear range of functions, RSS feeds for general Welthungerhilfe news, as well as an interface to the Welthungerhilfe project database were developed.

This means that only a few administrative steps are required to create a new website for a country office. Central content on Welthungerhilfe is made available as shared content, suitable projects can be obtained from the project database, and all individual content is conveniently maintained on site.