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For beer lovers and Black Forest fans. For growing sales figures and a freshly brewed image. The website of the renowned Brewery Rothaus shows real added value - and the map app "Zäpflefinder" the fastest way to the next Tannenzäpfle.

About this Customer

The passion for brewing beer has been cultivated in Rothaus since 1791. The Rothaus Genusswelt is a popular destination for beer lovers, families, tourists and clubs. For the Badische Staatsbrauerei, we are sparring partners in the further development of the digital strategy, manage the website and the merchandising shop and support online marketing activities.

Key Facts

  • Launch and ongoing optimisation of the website
  • Implementation and support of the Zäpflefinder with connection to the CRM
  • Sparring partner in the further development of the Digialt strategy and online marketing
  • TYPO3, Vue.js, Leaflet and Open Street Maps

Rothaus - Beer from the Black Forest

At www.rothaus.de, the brewery provides information about its "Zäpfle family", its more than 200-year history and presents the extensive range of products in the Rothaus Genusswelt.

Tannenzäpfle on the stage

One focus of the website relaunch of the Rothaus brewery was naturally the presentation of the diverse, colourful product family around the Tannenzäpfle. Through targeted animations, exciting information about the "Zäpfle" is presented interactively and the beers are put in the limelight.

Click here for the Tannenzäpfle

The Rothaus Genusswelt

The heart of the Genusswelt is the brewery inn with obligatory beer garden. In addition to current information about the inn, this section of the website offers functions for booking the available accommodation and a calendar of events.

Experience Rothaus

Numerous events, from the Foodtruck Festival to the Whisky Evening, invite you to enjoy. The website offers the brewery numerous opportunities to emotionally promote upcoming events.

Reservation management

The versatile events can be booked directly via the website and reservations can be clearly managed in the backend.

The Zäpflefinder

The Zäpflefinder offers a dealer search for Rothaus beers. In addition to searching by postcode or city name, users also have the option of displaying traders in the immediate vicinity of their own location. The results are presented in a map and a list view.

Click here to go to the Zäpflefinder

The search results can be narrowed down using variety and container filters. A distinction can also be made between retail and specialised trade as well as gastronomy. This way, every beer lover can find a suitable retailer quickly and easily - whether at home or on the go on their smartphone!

Schnittstelle zum Rothaus CRM

Um relevante Händlerdaten im Zäpflefinder aktuell halten zu können, wurde in Zusammenarbeit mit Merkarion eine Schnittstelle entwickelt; ein regelmäßiger Export im JSON-Format übergibt die benötigten Daten aus dem CRM. Dazu gehören z.B. Händlernamen, Adressen und Öffnungszeiten.

Ein automatisierter Cronjob prüft periodisch ein Import-Verzeichnis und startet den Synchronisations-Prozess. Der Zäpflefinder ist damit immer auf dem aktuellsten Stand und zeigt Ihnen wo es “Biergit”!